Wednesday, April 15, 2009


(please click the image to view the bigger version)

My pace has noticeably slackened. It's not really that the cards are getting more complicated to do, but two other things. Firstly, the technique is still evolving. I find myself filling whole black areas with colour and then adding the shading again - which goes against the entire point of doing it dark-to-light. Some of these four have been done in this manner, so I still might change them in the future.

Secondly I think I'm getting more fastidious with details. I remember when I started working on the images (and I think they do show with the earlier images from the Majors), I wasn't too particular with getting all of the details exactly like in the original. As I did more images, however, I became more conscious of the fact that this is essentially a Rider-Waite-Smith based project, and, as in most reproductions, runs the risk of things being lost in the process of copying. So there were times (and I'm guessing there will still be times in the future) when I couldn't decide what stuff I should change and what I should retain. Obviously I'll be , since from the very beginning I acknowledged the fact that this is is essentially another RWS clone.


  1. Lovely. I'm glad you are giving thought to the details of the original, they are so important...
    Sharyn/AJ at AT

  2. Thanks. The strange thing is that I'm getting paranoid now when it comes to symbolism. Like, do I retain the number of leaves in a particular tree?! :D
